Jesus Gets Us: Anxiety

June 9, 2024 Speaker: Jay Pound Series: Jesus Gets Us

Scripture: Matthew 6:25–34

Two radical claims of the incarnation 

  • Jesus became fully human without ceasing to be fully God (Jn. 1.1, 14)
  • Jesus understands the temptations, stresses and struggles of being human (Heb. 4.15)


Jesus understands our anxiety for meeting the daily needs of life (6.25)

  • Our anxiety motivates us to run after money and possessions (6.31-32)


Jesus’ response to those wrestling with worry and anxiety:

  • God is good! And he can be trusted care and provide for us (6.26, 30)

Stop running after money and possessions and start running toward God and his Kingdom (6.33)

More in Jesus Gets Us

June 30, 2024

Jesus Gets Us: Desperation

June 25, 2024

Jesus Gets Us: Guilt

June 16, 2024

Jesus Gets Us: Temptation