They Divided My Garments

March 26, 2017 Speaker: Joel Sutton Series: The Witness of John

Scripture: John 19:23–27

They Divided My Garments

John 19:23-27


John quotes Psalm 22: a great mystery.

  • Refers to Jesus Christ, on the cross.
  • On the cross, Jesus experienced infinite suffering.
  • On the cross, Jesus becomes our infinite redemption.

The result: two immeasurable gifts:

  • Jesus covers our nakedness. John 19:23
  • Jesus put us in a family. John 19:26


Take Home Idea: In his nakedness, Jesus covered our shame and in his abandonment he put us in a family.


"They Divided My Garments" Small Group Questions



What movie or book (besides the Bible) brought home to you most vividly the events of the crucifixion?

Review Pastor Joel's sermon and Take Home Idea. What struck you about the sermon?

What do you have questions about?

Dig: Read John 19:23-27

What two groups does John describe in this section of Scripture? Why do you think he take the time to describe them?

Why do you think John quotes from Psalm 22?

Read Psalm 22. What different details of this Psalm parallel events that took place on the cross?

Pastor Joel makes the case for this Psalm being fulfilled only in Jesus. What were his reasons? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

How does this Psalm help you understand what was taking place on the cross?

What might Jesus have felt as he watched those soldiers cast lots for his clothes?

Jesus was hanging from the cross, naked. How does that make you feel? Read Hebrews 12:2. How does that make you feel?

Given Jesus’ mother’s faith in him at the outset of his public ministry (2:3-5), what must she be feeling now as she watches her son die?

Why does Jesus make the effort to tell his mother and John that they are now mother and son – especially when Mary had other sons?


How and when did the meaning of Jesus’ death become real to you?

What difference does the reality that Jesus covers your shame and puts you in a family make in your life?

Close this time sharing and praying together as a group.

More in The Witness of John

April 23, 2017

I Am Sending You

April 16, 2017

Encounter the King

April 9, 2017

You Must Be Born Again